There are multiple ways to increase the speed of your website. The initial basic thing to do is to compress the content of your website when it is sent over the Internet…

If you have Nkosi standard uncapped business hosting your domain website is hosted at a low contention ratio on SSD or high speed drives. Your cloud can deliver a few megabytes per second, on shared hosting.

[I] Hosting: You can max out the speed of your website content by following these six steps:

Step 1 : Check your website speed here: Website Speed Test

Step 2 : Log into my domain: https://(type- your-own-domain-name):2083

Step 3: Under the “SOFTWARE” menu, click on “Optimize Website”

Step 4: Choose “Compress Content”

Step 5: Test your website (Is it still working?)

Step 6: Check your website speed, again, here: Website Speed Test

Step 7: If using WordPress: – (1) Install the following Plugin: Speed Booster Pack (2) – In the WordPress Settings menu – click on “Speed Booster Pack” – (3) To the right you will see your page load time, this time should be less than 350ms (0.35s to ensure acceptable user experience. Google’s own services sometimes exceed 2000ms (2 seconds), depending on service measured, time of day and page requested. Google itself strives (targets) below 200ms – which is great for clients on 300Mbps connections. (As the average South African bandwidth speed is not high, longer page loading speeds still result in “okay” user experience)

In our opinion page loading speeds of between 200ms and 300ms   is optimal for good user experience.


[II] Optimize Your Content

  • You can resize images on your website to where you have the most optimal size (example: 640×480 or 320×240 or 1024×768 or any other image ratio that matches your display requirements)
  • You can compress documents, pdf files and image or video downloadable files
  • You can minimize CSS, Javascript and other included files
  • You can use cache software (or convert dynamic pages to static html)
  • You can optimize landing pages and remove any additional files that is not absolutely required (arrange or organize your website)

Please do not hesitate to Contact our Web Designs division,  if you need someone to do optimisation for you