There are many different types of e-mail errors and fixing and a few easy steps to manage any email errors. The first step is to understand if the email error is a sending error or a receiving email error…

Step One: Understanding the email error

Log into your Webmail: (https://your-own-domain-name:2096) or ask your administrator to TEST the email account and password. – Does the email account, itself, work YES / NO

NO: If the email account itself does not work, then change the password (or request a password change from your IT person)

YES: Now you know that the email error is a local error (something you can fix as the problem is local (where you are) and not in the cloud / Internet)

Step Two: Understanding your device/software

Some devices support strong encryption (and only work with strong encryption), Some devices only support plain text (and these devices do not even tell you that they do not work with encryption) Some software is very very old, more than a decade ago and some software is bleeding edge.

If you follow the TIPSĀ  here:Ā  you should be able to configure any device easily.

If you still have difficulties you need to obtain a user manual or software manual for your device or software, look for the section on how to setup & configure your email accounts. The Nkosi email servers supports everything from a decade ago to the latest cutting edge technology.

You are also welcome to send an email to or call the telephone number at the bottom right hand side of your telephonic support contract. (Please call the correct number, there are two numbers: Before 8am in the morning (After Hours: 8pm to 8am) and after 8am (Office Hours: 8am to 8pm)